Thursday, July 20, 2006


what is love?
we often hear people saying, I Love You
sometimes Papa or Mama says it to me.
sometimes Papa says it to Mama, and sometimes Mama says it to Papa.
sometimes my sister says it to her boyfriend,
and sometimes her boyfriend says it to her.
sometimes Grandpa and Grandma say it to me;
sometimes Papa and Mama say it to brothers and sisters.
sometimes Mr.Lee living on the third floor says it to Mrs.Lee.
i have been told that, "if you tell me, 'I love you,' that means you like me and you like being with me."
however, Love seems more than that.
what is love?
does it have weight?
does it have size?
can Love be seen? heard? or smelled?
can Love be counted?
can Love be eaten?
can Love be worn? can Love be put into a box?
can Love be sent to someone as a present?
can it Grow?
sometimes, i see a mother holding a baby... is that Love?
sometimes, i see a boy and a girl happily together... is that Love?
sometimes, i see Papa letting my brother ride on him... is that Love?
sometimes, i see Mrs.Lee playing with her cats... is that Love?
sometimes, my teacher gives me a lot of compliments... is that Love?
sometimes, Bighead next-door keeps smiling at me... is that Love?
sometimes, i play with Judy and don't want to go home even when it gets dark...
is that Love?
sometimes, Tim lends his train to me and Lily shares her cookies with me, my little sister kisses Papa, and Grandma brings me gifts. is that Love?
when i get hurt, Mama puts medicine on my wound;
when i get sick my brother carries my school bag for me... is that Love?
what is Love?
my Sunday school teacher told us the Bible talks about Love.
the Bible says love demands a lot of time, not just a moment.
Love is the willingness to play with my little sister when Mama asks me to, even if i am very tired.
Love is allowing my little brother to play with my favorite car that i made.
Love is not being angry or sad when i see that my classmates do better than i do in schoolwork, or running, or have more toys, prettier clothes, or a larger room.
Love is not always telling others, "i am the greatest in the world, i am the best,"
when i get a perfect score on my test.
Love is not to tell Danny, "you are so dumb, how can you be so slow?"
when i can finish cleaning up the room more quickly.
Love is not stealing even when i have no money for the candy i like.
Love is not cheating, so even if my classmate gives me a toy car,
i still cannot help him cheat on the test.
Love is not being bothered if i get wet when i share my umbrella with you.
Love is the willingness to help you carry desks and chairs when you ask me,
even if it is after school and there is no reward.
Love is not getting angry whenever Judy makes my notebook dirty.
Love is not getting angry at my little sister when she grabs my toys. instead,
i will wait until she finishes playing with them.
Love is never being bothered by what you have done against me.
Love is never feeling good about watching older kids bullying younger kids.
Love is seeking truth over lies and false things.
Love is the willingness to flush the toilet for my younger brother even though it stinks.
Love is not blaming my older brother when he seems cold towards me;
he might have been scolded by his teacher or might be having a stomachache again.
Love is believing in many wonderful things.
Love is always trusting that "everything will get better".
Love is waiting a while longer, and a while longer,
for many things are less urgent than they seem.
Love never fails, never falls behind, never ends, and never runs out.
Love is the greatest! if i have nothing but Love, i have everything.
the Bible says God is "LOVE" and GOD loves the world.
He loves us and wants us to love each other. so we should love each other.
i love you and hope that you love me too.
therefore, when you love me, you should let me know.
you can write letters or cards to me. you can tell me by phone or tell me in person.
maybe you can HUG, Shake Hand, or Kiss...
and when i love you, i will let you know as well. let us keep loving each other, forever.
(from a comic story book "Heartwarming Series 3 - LOVE" text and illustration by Pamela P.C.Chang)
introduction of Pamela P.C.Chang :
as the winner of the National Prime Comic Strips Award, freelancer Pamela P.C.Chang has a rich reservoir of unique experiences; she has worked as a cartoonist, a comic illustrator for TV programs, a radio show host, and has performed her own albums in concerts. her major pieces of works include comic strips, illustrated children's books, and gospel music characterized by great imagination and humor. she is the recipient of Hsin-Yi Literature for the Young Award for "The Fat King". Pamela also has a talent for creating impromptu musics and lyrics. it is her firm conviction that faith must be lived out in real life. God is her life savior and best mentor. her most well known works include books : Five Youngsters in a Home I & II, God, Prayer, Love, The Skinny Queen, The Eyeglasses Princess, and The Cavity Prince, and music albums : Wings of Heart, Songs with Love, and Dawning.
Enter to the world of Love
Embrace the true meaning of Love
Delicate to everyone who has a heart to Love
To all those whom you Love


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